- In-depth knowledge on software development methodologies, designing, and management.
- Learn solving complex problems, envision & design new products.
Immersive Classroom
Learning Experience
- Offered in a weekend learning format for working professionals
- Classroom sessions at PES University, Electronic City Campus, Bangalore
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- 400+ hiring partners, 8000+ career transitions, Avg. hike of 48%
JAVA Programming Language
Live Online Classes | 3 Months
Upcoming Batch Schedule for JAVA Programming.
Sri VidyaTechnologies provides flexible timings to all our students. Here is the Python Course Training Schedule in our branches. If this schedule doesn’t match please let us know. We will try to arrange appropriate timings based on your flexible timings.
![]() | Monday (Monday - Friday) Weekdays Regular | 08:00 AM (IST) (Class 1Hr - 1:30Hrs) / Per Session | Course Fees |
![]() | Monday (Monday - Friday) Weekdays Regular | 11:00 AM (IST) (Class 1Hr - 1:30Hrs) / Per Session | Course Fees |
![]() | Monday (Monday - Friday) Weekdays Regular | 10:00 AM (IST) (Class 1Hr - 1:30Hrs) / Per Session | Course Fees |
![]() | Monday (Monday - Friday) Weekdays Regular | 10:00 AM (IST) (Class 1Hr - 1:30Hrs) / Per Session | Course Fees |
Sri Vidya Technologies Certificate
The curriculum has been designed by faculty at Sri Vidya Tech and leading industry leaders. The teaching, content and projects in the course are by world-renowned faculty and other practicing management professionals from leading companies.
Module 1: Introduction (Duration-0.5hr)
- Java Why? What? How? When? Where?
- Different Java Versions.
- How Java is different from other Technologies
Module 2: Introduction To Java Programming Environment (Duration-1hr)
- How to Install & set Path.
- A Simple Java Program
- Compiling & executing Java Program
- Phases of Java Program
- Analysis of a Java Program
- Understanding Syntax and Semantic Error,
- Runtime Exception
- Name of a Java Source File
- Platform Independency
- Java Technology (JDK, JRE, JVM, JIT)
- Features of Java
- Text Editors
- Consoles
Module 3: Fundamentals of Java Programming (Duration-1hr)
- Naming convention of Java language
- Comments
- Statements
- Blocks (Static, Non-static/instance)
- Identifiers
- Keywords
- Literals
- Primitive Data Types, Range
- Reference (User defined) Data type
- Variables (Primitive, Reference)
- Type Casting, Default Value
- Operators
- Program/Interview questions
Module 4: Control Structures (Duration-1hr)
- Working with Control Structures
- Types of Control Structures
- Decision Control Structure (if, if-else, if else if, switch –case)
- Repetition Control Structure (do –while,while, for)
- Program/Interview questions
Module 5: Input Fundamentals And Datatypes In Java (Duration-2hrs)
- Java program inputs from Keyboard
- Methods of Keyboard inputs
- Scanner, Buffered Reader
- Problem Solving
- Java Array
- What is Array
- Array Declaration in java vs C and C++.
- Instantiation of an Array
- String vs character array.Accessing Array
- Elements, Default Value, for-each loop, varargs
- Length of an Array (What is –Array Index Out Of Bounds Exception)
- Increasing, Decreasing the Size and Copy of an Array
- Multi-Dimensional Arrays
- Program/Interview questions
- Program/Interview questions Difference between C and C++ with Java
- Application Compilation and Run
- Interview related Question and Answer
Module 6: Object Oriented Programming (Oops Concepts In Deep) (Duration-4hrs)
- Procedural Vs Object Oriented Program
- Different type of Program Procedural Vs Object Oriented.
- Top Down Vs Bottom Up Approach
- Introduction to Object Oriented
- Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance,
- Polymorphism.
- Introduction to Classes and Objects
- Custom Class Definition
- Instance and Static Variables
- Different ways to create Object Instance
- Instance Variable and it’s role in a Class
- Constructors, types of Constructor,
- Constructor Rule, Constructor Overloading
- Static Variable and it’s use.
- Methods and their behavior.
- Constructor vs Methods
- Constructors
- “this” Keyword
- Java Access Modifiers (and Specifiers)
- Programming Interview related Question and Answer
- Call by value, Call by reference
Module 7: Command-Line Arguments (Duration-1hr)
- What is a Command-Line Argument?
- Java Application with Command-Line Arguments
- Conversion of Command-Line Arguments
- Passing Command-Line Arguments
- Using methods (Static , Non Static)
Module 8: Integrated Development Environment (Duration-0.5hr)
- Using various Editors
- Program Compilation, Execution in Editor
- Using Eclipse IDE
- Project Set Up
- Source File Generation
- Application Compilation and Run
Module 9: Inner Class (Duration-1hr)
- First View of Inner Class
- Outer Class Access
- Types of Inner Class
Module 10: Inheritance (Duration-2hrs)
- Complete concepts of Inheritance
- Sub-Classes
- Object Classes
- Constructor Calling Chain
- The use of “super” Keyword
- The use of “private” keyword inheritance.
- Reference Casting
Module 11: Abstract Classes and Inheritance (Duration-2hrs)
- Introduction to Abstract Methods
- Abstract Classes and Interface
- Interface as a Type
- Interface v/s Abstract Class
- Interface Definition
- Interface Implementation
- Multiple Interfaces’ Implementation
- Interfaces’ Inheritance
- How to create object of Interface
Module 12: Polymorphism (Duration-1hr)
- Introduction to Polymorphism
- Types of Polymorphism
- Overloading Methods
- Overriding Methods
- Hiding Methods
- Final Class and Method
- Polymorphic Behavior in Java
- Benefits of Polymorphism
- “Is-A” vs “Has-A”
- Association Vs Aggregation
- Interview related Question and Answer.
Module 13: Package (Duration-2hrs)
- Package and Class path and its use
- First look into Packages
- Benefits of Packages
- Package Creation and Use
- First look into Class path
- Class path Setting
- Class Import
- Package Import
- Role of public, protected, default and private w.r.t package
- Namespace Management
- Package vs. Header File
- Creating and Using the Sub Package
- Sources and Class Files Management
Module 14: Using Predefined Package & Other Classes (Duration-2hrs)
- Java.lang Hierarchy
- Object class and using toString(), equals(),hashCode(), clone(), finalize() etc
- Using Runtime Class, Process Class to play music, video from Java Program
- Primitives and Wrapper Class
- Math Class
- String, StringBuffer, StringBuilder Class
- String Constant Pool
- Various usage and methods of String,StringBuffer, StringBuilder
- Wrapper Classes
- System Class using gc(), exit(), etc.
Module 15: New Concepts In Package (Duration-1hr)
- Auto boxing and Auto unboxing
- Static import.
- Instance of operator.
- Enum and its use in Java
- Working with jar
Module 16: Garbage Collection (Duration-0.5hr)
- Garbage Collection Introduction
- Advantages of Garbage Collection
- Garbage Collection Procedure
- Java API
- Interview related Question and Answer
Module 17: Exception Handling (Duration-2hrs)
- Introduction to Exceptions
- Effects of Exceptions
- Exception Handling Mechanism
- Try, catch, finally blocks
- Rules of Exception Handling
- Exception class Hierarchy, Checked &
- Unchecked Exception
- Throw & throws keyword
- Custom Exception Class
- Chained Exception.
- Resource handling & multiple exception class
- Interview related Question and Answer.
Module 18: Multithreading (Duration-3hrs)
- Introduction
- Advantages
- Creating a Thread by inheriting from Thread class
- Run() and start() method.
- Constructor of Thread Class
- Various Method of Thread Class
- Runnable Interface Implementation
- Thread Group
- Thread States and Priorities
- Synchronization method, block
- Class & Object Level Lock
- Deadlock & its Prevention
- Inter thread Synchronization
- Life Cycle of Thread
- Deprecated methods : stop(), suspend(),resume(), etc
- Interview related Question and Answer
Module 19: Input and Output Streams (Duration-3hrs)
- Java I/O Stream
- I/O Stream – Introduction
- Types of Streams
- Stream Class Hierarchy
- Using File Class
- Copy and Paste the content of a file
- Byte Streams vs Character Streams
- Text File vs Binary File
- Character Reading from Keyboard by Input Stream Reader
- Reading a Line/String from Keyboard by Buffered Reader
- Standard I/O Streams Using Data Streams to read/write
- primitive data
- PrintStream vs PrintWriter Using StreamTokenizer and RandomAccessFile
- Interview related Question and Answer
Module 20: Serialization (Duration-0.5hr)
- Introduction to Serialization
- Using Object Streams to read/write object
- Transient Keyword
- Serialization Process
- Deserialization Process
- Interview related Question and Answer
Module 21: Collection Framework (Duration-3hrs)
- Generics(Templates)
- What is generic
- Creating User defined Generic classes
- The java.util package
- Collection
- What is Collection Framework
- List, Set & Map interfaces
- Using Vector, Array List, Stack,
- Linked List, etc.
- Using Collections class for sorting
- Using Hashtable, Hash Map, Tree Map,
- SortedMap, LinkedHashMap etc.
- Iterator, Enumerator.
- Using Queue, Deque, SortedQue, etc.
- Using HashSet, TreeSet, LinkedHashSet etc
- Using Random class
- Using Properties in a Java Program
- Using user defined class for DataStructure
- Using Date and Formatting Date class.
- Interview related Question and Answer
Module 22: Java 8/9/10 Features (Duration-1hr)
Advanced Java Syllabus Total ( Duration-30hrs )
Module 1: JDBC Duration-3hrs
- Introduction to JDBC
- Databases and Drivers
- Types of Driver
- Loading a driver class file
- Establishing the Connection to different
- Database with different Driver
- Executing SQL queries by ResultSet,Statements , PreparedStatment interface.
- Using CallableStatement
- Transaction Management & BatchUpdate
- Programs/Interview related Question and Answer
Module 2: JSP (Duration-5hrs)
Basics Of Jsp
- Life cycle of JSP
- JSP in Eclipse and other IDE’s
- Programs/Interview related Question and Answer.
Scripting Elements
- scriptlet tag
- expression tag
- declaration tag
- Programs/Interview related Question and Answer.
Implicit Objects
- out
- request
- response
- config
- application
- session
- pageContext
- page
- exception
- Programs/Interview related Question and Answer.
Directive Elements
- page directive
- include directive
- taglib directive
- Programs/Interview related Question and Answer.
Exception Handling
Action Elements
- jsp:forward
- jsp:include
- Bean class
- jsp:useBean
- jsp:setProperty & jsp:getProperty
- Displaying applet in JSP
Expression Language
- What is expression and how to use it
- Define expression and use over the service flow
- The way to be achieve same in JSP
Mvc In Jsp
- MVC pattern
- Working flow implementation of MVC
- CRUD operation using MVC
- Design a real time web application using MVC
- Discussion on the tag library
- How to implement and use
Custom Tags
- Custom Tag : What and Why?
- Custom Tag API?
- Custom Tag Example
- Attributes
- Iteration
- Custom URI
Module 3: Servlet (Duration-7hrs)
- Basics of Servlet
- Servlet: What and Why?
- Basics of Web
- Servlet API
- Servlet Interface
- GenericServlet
- HttpServlet
- Servlet Life Cycle
- Working with Apache Tomcat Server
- Steps to create a servlet in Tomcat
- How servlet works?
- servlet in Myeclipse
- servlet in Eclipse
- servlet in Netbeans
Servlet request
- Servlet Request methods
- Registration example with DB
Servlet Collaboration
- Request Dispatcher
- send Redirect
Servlet Configure
- Servlet Configure methods
- Servlet Configure example
Servlet Context
- Servlet Context methods
- Servlet Context example
Session Tracking
- Cookies
- Hidden Form Field
- URL Rewriting
- HttpSession
Module 4: Concurrent and implementation of collection Duration-2hrs
- Implemenation of ArrayList
- Implemenation of LinkedList
- Implemenation of HashMap
- Implementation of Queue/PriorityQueue/Deque
Module 5: Advanced Multi-Threading Duration-3hrs
- Implemenation of Executor pool service and working mechanism with real time
- Big file(Single , multiple ) processing using multiple thread
- Implemenation to achieve thread class and runnable interface
Module 6: Javamail Api Duration-2hrs
- Sending Email
- Sending email through Gmail server
- Receiving Email
- Sending HTML content
Module 7: Design Pattern Duration-2hrs
- Singleton
- Front Controller
- Factory Method
- Abstract
- etc
Module 8: Junit Duration-1hr
- JUnit: What and Why?
- Annotations used in JUnit
- Assert class
- Test Cases
Module 9: Maven Duration-1hr
- Maven: What and Why?
- Ant Vs Maven
- How to install Maven?
- Maven Repository
- Understanding pom.xml
- Maven Example
- Maven Web App Example
- Maven using Eclipse
Module 10: Project Guidance Duration-4hrs
Java Training Course Overview
This Comprehensive Java Course will teach you the Java Object Oriented Programming with best practices and instructor led Java EE Demo Projects. Our updated Java Course Syllabus will focus on 100% Modern java design implementations to develop dynamic and secure real time applications.
Write Java Code like a Pro with our Java training delivered by experienced trainers through online and Classroom with Resume Building and Mock Interviews to get Software developer Jobs.
You will gain strong Practical exposure on SQL & PLSQL database languages Queries along with this Java Course to manipulating data in Real-time Projects. Get in-depth Practical Classes on JAVA 8 features Such as lambda expressions, Stream API, Method and functional interface, Parallel array Sorting and more with Course Materials and Project Assignments.
Prerequisite for java Course
This Recommended Course is Suitable for Fresher’s and College Graduates with Basic Computer Knowledge like OOPS, C and C++ languages and experienced Candidates who wish to learn and become the Master in Java Programming.
If you don’t have any Prior Coding Knowledge we will recommend you to start with Basic C and C++ Courses available at our library. Get free Java Tutorials, Blog and YouTube videos to understand the basic OOPS Stuff posted by Sri Vidya technologies Trainers.
We Offer Best Java Training are taught by Java Certified Professionals. Our Java Training focused on Job Oriented with full of Practical Sessions rather than boring theory. Our Java Syllabus designed by Java experts which will Suitable for Students, freshers, and Working Professionals.Get Hands-on training on Basic & Advance level Concepts like Core Java, J2EE, Spring, Struts and Hibernate. Enroll and get started your dream Java Developer Career in the IT industry.
About Java Course
Sri Vidya Technologies’ Java Certification Training is curated by the industry experts as per the industrial demands and requirements. Java Training encompasses complete knowledge on basic and advanced concepts of core Java & J2EE; you will gain expertise in the concepts like Exception Handling, OOPS, Multithreading, Collection, Synchronization, Applet, Layout Manager & Advanced Concepts using industry use-cases.
Our instructors have more experience, and they are currently working in MNC. Each and Every topic will be clearly explained with real-time project scenarios. For an excellent hands-on learning experience, this training program is covered with assessment tests, assignments and exercises.
This Training is completely practical and placement oriented. This course is designed to meet the requirements of those who want to be professional Java developers. This will also help the trainees to get through the Java Programmer Certification. “Write Once, Run Anywhere” – Java programming language was developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems in 1995.
Java is a high-level, object-oriented, simple, platform-independent, secure, architectural–neutral, robust, portable, high performance, multi-threaded, distributed and dynamic. JAVA derives much of its syntax from C & C++. A Java program can run on a variety of operating systems without rewriting the code. Java runs on various platforms, such as Mac OS, Windows and the various versions of UNIX.
It is the global standard for developing and delivering embedded applications, web content, games and enterprise software. It can also be used for machine learning, artificial intelligence, RSS feeds, block chain and Java apps. It is the most popular programming language for Client-Server applications with over 12 million developers worldwide using it.
Despite having a strong competition on the server side from Microsoft and other companies, Java is doing exceptionally well on mobile platforms, thanks to Android! Java has also been the primary language for Hadoop Developers. According to Oracle, Java can drive innovation, reduce costs and more as the programming language of choice for cloud computing, IoT, enterprise architecture and enterprise applications.
What are the objective of our JAVA Training?
Our Java Training is designed by industry experts to make you a Certified Java Developer. Following are the objectives our Java course offers:
- In-depth knowledge of Java conditional statements, data types and loops, multi-threading & exception handling, a database using hibernate framework.
- Complete knowledge of object-oriented programming through Java using Objects, Classes and various Java concepts like Abstract, Final, etc., and parse XML files using SAX and DOM.
- The capability to implement functions, arrays & string handling techniques, JDBC to communicate with SOA, Database using web services.
- The exposure to several real-life industry-based projects.
- Projects which are diverse in nature covering telecommunication, banking, insurance, social media, and e-commerce domains.
- The Rigorous involvement of a Small and Medium Enterprise throughout the Java Training to learn industry standards and best practices.
- Involvement of an SME throughout the Training to learn industry standards and best practices.
Why Should you go for the JAVA Certification Training?
With the advancement of mobile application development, Java has become an essential programming language to be added to any software professional’s skill set. It is one of the best choices of developers in the world of programming. Currently, Java finds its application in mobile and web development. Additionally, Hadoop is the most widely used framework of Big Data architecture, and it uses Java for design & development. Hence, Java makes way for professionals in the field of Big Data.
- Rated no.1 in Popular programming languages index, TIOBE (15th Consecutive Year)
- Used by more than 10 Million developers globally to develop applications for the 15 Billion devices supporting Java.
- Nowadays, Companies are increasingly looking for highly skilled Java professionals with an attractive average salary package of $110k per annum.
- Used by top reputed industries across various business Verticals. Ex: Kargo, Bloomberg, Adaptive Management..etc.
Who should go for the JAVA Certification Training?
Java Certification training can be taken up by the following professionals:
- Fresher
- Programming enthusiasts
- Software developers
- Engineering graduates
- Web designers
- Database Administrators
- Programming enthusiasts
- Architects
- Testing Engineers
- Professionals and students who wish to become Java developers
How will JAVA Certification Training help your Career?
This Certification will make you more valuable to your present and/or future employer.
- Improve your career prospects and increase your job security, as Java experts are in high demand.
- Deepen your skills and broaden your knowledge and through performing a variety of essential functions, features, and tasks.
- Certified individuals can easily get a job than non-certified ones.
- You can get a promotion or hike in salary easily.
What are the prerequisites for JAVA Certification Training?
- Knowledge of computers.
- Prior exposure to object-oriented programming(OOP) concepts is not required, but beneficial.
- Have some real programming experience and be familiar with basic programming techniques, preferably with procedural programming languages, and ideally with C. Even though C++ is not needed, prior knowledge of it will be an added advantage. Basic understanding of C, C++ programming language. The understanding of Object-Oriented programming constructs will be beneficial.
What Skills will you learn in JAVA Training?
During the Java course, you will be trained by our expert trainers:
- To gain In-depth knowledge of concepts of Basic and Core JAVA
- To get familiar with the features of Java Language
- To discover how to write Java code as per the Object-Oriented Programming(OOP) principles.
- To become comfortable with concepts such as Objects, Classes, Inheritance, Interfaces, and Polymorphism
- To learn the Java APIs for Collections, I/O Streams
- To design Applets and GUI applications using Swing and AWT.
- To develop Networking and Multithreaded applications.
- To develop database apps using JDBC
- To get knowledge of many real-life industry-based projects
- To build an Independent Desktop application.
JAVA Training to meet the growing corporate needs. Right from the beginning of the career Java developers will have a decent package and they get very good pay once they get succeeded in their first project.
If you have proper technical knowledge with valid certification from any of the well-reputed institutions, you can fetch a great job in this Java field, just for this reason many people prefer taking Java Training.
Why to Choose Java As a Career Option?
Do a simple Google search by typing the best programming languages for career development. The result you’ll encounter is a head-spinning list of programming languages on different websites. But, there will remain one constant in each of those lists, Java. Read more at Why Choose Java As a Career Option?
Introduction to Java, Core Java, J2EE, J2SE, J2ME, Spring
Sri Vidya Technologies offers training courses in Java and J2ee by the certified Java experts with an aim to bridge the gap between the field of education and IT industry. This approach makes Sri Vidya Technologies one of the best Java training institute. Java is one of the most prevalent programming languages in the world and one of the most sought-after skills in the domain of software development. It is widely used for developing cutting-edge applications, be it for the web or mobile platform. Join our institute and get a stronghold on various Java concepts like Exception Handling, OOPS, Multithreading, Collection, Synchronization, Layout Manager, Applet & Advanced Concepts in Java.
Features of JAVA Training
Java is a general-purpose programming language developed in order to bring portability and a higher level of security. Other than these two main java features, there are many other features of Java that make it such a unique and popular language. They are- Simple, Object-Oriented, Portable, Platform Independent, Secured, Robust, Architecture Neutral, Dynamic, Interpreted, High Performance, Multi-Threaded, Distributed, Usability, Open Source.
Sri Vidya Technologies offers training courses in Java technologies by the Java experts with a unique objective to bridge the gap between the field of education and IT industry.
- In our Java training, the best of the teaching methodologies are followed so that the trainees can gain the best of knowledge on each and every topic in the course.
- As we have industry experts with long real-time experience, we deliver training with practical real-time awareness along with the theoretical understanding.
- Trainees are guided through the training in such a way that they can develop a standalone application by the end of Java training course.
- Course material covering all the topics is given to help the trainees learn better. Regular assessments and daily assignments and are conducted to help groom their technical skills.
- The excellent learning environment, regular assistance, and well-cataloged training procedures are the key features of Sri Vidya Technologies’ Java Training.
- Quality in-depth teaching in latest technologies like J2EE, JSE, Servlets, Hibernate, etc., experimental labs, well-furnished classrooms, make student to develop a passion for learning.
- As you evolve your career, you need a learning solution that inspires you to create the future. With our platform, you can keep up with the speed of technology, work faster and smarter, and gain in-demand skills.
Why Sri Vidya Technologies is Rated as No.1 Java Training Institute?
The JAVA Training Institute being offered by Sri Vidya Technologies will ensure 100% placement and wide industry exposure.
- The Java certification being awarded is very useful for the students obtaining it to secure top positions in huge companies.
- All our students who finish java training with us are flooded with fruitful job opportunities. Practical oriented java training is one of the reasons for our continued success in the field of training over these years.
- We have hand-picked a unique team of experienced Java trainers and Java experts who are specialized in teaching Java course.
- Sri Vidya technologies have put up its centers in various parts of India. The latest technology is taught as various separate courses.
What are the main benefits of Sri Vidya Technologies for Java Training?
Sri Vidya Technologies holds out top quality Java Training with an exceptionally skillful combination of talented instructors, distinguished and easy–read training materials and a remarkable learning environment that clearly shelves our Java training phase in the top Training’s rack.
- We offer a wide range of JAVA training to meet the growing corporate needs. The course materials and syllabus are prepared by trainers who have many years of experience in leading IT companies.
- We provide Java Training with Placement in leading companies. Walk into our Office to find the list of Companies our Students are placed.
- Our Java Training allows theoretical concepts to be reinforced with extensive hands-on sessions.
- Our Java Training allows you to offer both standard and custom courses that will manipulate you from being a novice to an App-Maker (Real-time Application Development).
- Instructors at Sri Vidya Technologies are the best ones in town.
- Typical Sri Vidya Technologies instructors have an average of more than 7-8 years of professional and practical experience in the technology, they tutor.
- They do not help you out in the formal academic way of teaching without practical experience.
- They will very well construct the academic part with all those required and take you forward into the IT world with the necessary exposure you need by means of their practice sessions.
- They are excellent communicators and bring matchless enthusiasm for learning.
JAVA: About Trainer
Our Trainers provide complete freedom to the students, to explore the subject and learn based on real-time examples. Our trainers help the candidates in completing their projects and even prepare them for interview questions and answers. Candidates are free to ask any questions at any time.
- More than 7+ Years of Experience.
- Trained more than 2000+ students in a year.
- Strong Theoretical & Practical Knowledge.
- Certified Professionals with High Grade.
- Well connected with Hiring HRs in multinational companies.
- Expert level Subject Knowledge and fully up-to-date on real-world industry applications.
- Trainers have Experienced on multiple real-time projects in their Industries.
- Our Trainers are working in multinational companies such as CTS, TCS, HCL Technologies, ZOHO, Birlasoft, IBM, Microsoft, HP, Scope, Philips Technologies etc
Trainer Profile For Java Course
We have a team of qualified professionals who have experience in handling real-time projects in industries and holds good command over theoretical knowledge. Sri Vidya Technologies is the leading Java Training Institute . Recognized by Oracle, we provide Java certification that comes directly from Oracle and recognized by any company around the world.
Our Java trainer Mr. Salem is a software engineer with over 10 years of experience working on Java writing various programs and applications for world-renowned companies including the IT companies. Sri Vidya Technologies has been teaching Java to students for over 10 years. With the help of our Java training , thousands of students have found positions in top IT companies and other parts of India.
Mr. Salem with his supreme knowledge in Java provides you with the best training using the examples of real-life projects. During the course, our trainers will assign you with real projects that solve real-life problems. Using these projects, you can develop an impressive portfolio that can be presented to the recruiter during the interview.
Our Java training emphasizes on practical aspects of the course rather than most institute who teach you the theory of Java. After the completion of the training, you will become adept at developing applications and programs using the Java programming language and other advanced concepts of Java.
- Our instructors are fully dedicated to building career of our trainees and always updated with industry trends and demands to implement the same in their project.
- All our trainees get the full freedom to learn the subject with the high learning experience. Our instructors work in a reputed organisation.
- They work in their part-time to make our trainees master the subject. We also provide training in a customized way and undertake both academic and corporate level training globally.
- We offer training in both online and offline mode, and our trainers are present in different areas of the world. Our instructor’s tips and tricks help our students to remember the complicated concepts and advanced techniques very easily.
- We focus on practical concepts rather on theoretical concepts at the end of the day students need the same to implement at the client’s projects.
- Our instructors provide possible support to the students to reach their goals and prepare them to face interview with confidence.
Key Features of JAVA Training
Introduction to JAVA
Java is a user-friendly yet reliable and secure language used in the internet world. This programming language is known as one of the best platforms for mobile application developers. Java has two strategic domains known as Core Java and Advance Java.
Java is used in a wide variety of computing platforms from mobile phones and embedded devices to supercomputers and enterprise servers. It is the most popular programming language for Client-Server applications with more than 10 million developers worldwide.
Core Java training helps to build an applet or small application modules to make it possible for a Web page user to interact with the page. The Java course helps to get opportunities to work in a cross-platform computing environment
What is Java?
Java is a programming language that was developed by Sun Microsystems. Java is a simple, portable, platform-independent, object-oriented, multi-threaded, secure, architecture-neutral, robust, high performance, dynamic and distributed. It runs on various OS platforms like Mac, Windows, and UNIX. It can be used to develop software and applets.
What is the full meaning of Java?
JAVA (Just Another Virtual Accelerator) being used as slang for “coffee” Java does not have any full form, but a programming language originally developed by James Gosling at Sun Micro systems in 1995, which has since been taken by Oracle Corporation. It derives much of its syntax from the most popular programming languages of all time: C & C++.
What type of language is Java?
Java is an object-oriented language. Its syntax is common as C & C++. Java programs are compiled to class files (bytecode) that can run on any JVM (Java Virtual Machine), making Java a platform-independent programming language. It does not require re-compilation and works efficiently in computers as well as Android mobile platforms.
Why is Java a platform?
Java is a platform for application development. A platform is a loosely defined computer industry buzzword that typically means some combination of system hardware & software that will mostly run all the same software. For example, DEC Alphas running Windows NT would be one platform, Power Macs running Mac OS 9.2 would be another.
What is Java used for?
In today’s world, Java has a wide variety of different uses. For example, Java is used for web-applications like Google docs and also for things like mobile games. Perhaps most notably, Java is mostly used to build applets or small application modules for use as part of a web page. Java can be used to code almost anything. It is often used as a “backend” programming language for the web, so web applications will often use Java code to create Application Program Interface (API) to allow the front-end to do different tasks.
What is the difference between Java and core Java?
Java is a programming language, but Core Java is a part of Java. Core Java is the basic of Java. If you don’t know anything about Java, then you have to start with core Java. Core Java is used for developing a general Java application whereas Advanced Java is used for developing the web-based application and enterprise application.
Core Java is having the concept of Java fundamentals, JDBC, Swings, Applet, Java Beans technology without this; no one can jump on any advance Java technology. Java is basically categorized in 3 parts: J2EE, J2SE and J2ME. To learn J2ME or J2EE, you should know core Java.
What is the difference between Java and Javascript?
JavaScript (JS) is not related to or similar to Java. JS is an OOP scripting language while Java is an OOP programming language. Java creates applications that run in a virtual machine(VM) or browser while JS code is run on a browser only. Java code needs to be compiled, whereas JavaScript code is all in the text. Both languages have a C like a syntax and are mostly used in client-side Web applications, but there are few similarities only.
Is Java an open-source?
In 2006, Sun released much of Java as FOSS (free and open-source software), under the terms of the GNU GPL (General Public License). In 2007, Sun finished the process, making all of Java’s core code available under a free software or open-source distribution terms, apart from a small portion of code to which Sun did not hold the copyright.
Open Java Development Kit (OpenJDK) is an open-source and free implementation of the Java programming language.
Is Java a coffee?
Java logo is a coffee-cup because “Java” is a slang term for “coffee”. Many Java software products contain coffee-related puns (e.g. numerous variants of “espresso”). Gosling wanted a simple but an attractive name for his product. It was named oak at first; later it was changed to Java.
What is j2ee in Java?
J2EE in Java stands for Java 2 Enterprise Edition. J2EE is a Java-centric, platform-independent environment from Sun for developing, building & deploying Web-based enterprise applications online. The J2EE platform consists of a set of APIs, services, and protocols that provide the functionality for developing multitiered, Web-based applications.
What are the Applications/domains using Java Technology?
Java is an amazing technology with applications in several fields from Android applications, server apps at financial services industry, software tools to trading applications. Here is a list of applications of Java:
- Web front-end development (Applets)
- Web back-end development (Servlets)
- Standalone windows based desktop Applications (GUI programming)
- Networking (Socket programming)
- Database based (accessing) applications (JDBC)
- Big Data (Hadoop)
- Mobile applications (Android)
- AI applications
- Embedded Systems
- Applications for Big Enterprises
- Games programming
Placement Assistance after JAVA Training
With years of experience in training, Sri Vidya technologies have a large client base, and we constantly get requirements for providing good resources.
- On successful completion of the course and completion of a real-time project, students are requested to submit the updated profile with Sri Vidya Technologies.
- We have tied up with many reputed organizations, and at the end of the course, we send our every student to interviews.
- We have a separate job portal for our students, our placement team will notify the students as and when suitable opportunities are available and our support team that conducts mock interviews and test to our students.
- We even provide interview questions and answers to our students and prepare them well before any interviews so that students feel confident during interviews and crack job of their interest.
Job Opportunities in JAVA
Java programmers will always remain hot commodities for the IT industry as Java is the most preferred programming language for Client-Server application developments. Many companies lookout for Java skilled employees. Companies such as Amazon, eBay, Mozilla, Google hire skilled JAVA professionals.
Many Java developers you can find in the market, but everyone doesn’t have in-depth knowledge of the subject where they are missing the opportunities in the market. A good foundation is mandatory for learning Java.We are here to help our students in getting in-depth knowledge on the subject. Opportunities as junior or senior Java developer is a constant requirement across the IT industry. Training programs on Java programming by Sri Vidya Technologies focuses on empowering the students with the latest concepts and industry-specific topics. Our well-experienced instructor and well-planned course materials ensure 100% success in interviews.
Since Java Used for Multiple Purpose like Developing, Automation Testing, Mobile Application Development Java Developer Jobs are high when Compare to Other technologies in IT industry.For Java Fresher Top MNC like CTS, Infosys, TCS, Wipro Offering up to 5 lakh per annum. If you are having More than 2+ Years Experience in Advance Java Frameworks you can ask 100% hike on your Current CTC.
Get trained on Java and get Placed in Top Companies and other cities. No doubt, Java skills are some of the most sought-after programming skills desired by employers. Companies all over the world use the Java programming language. Brilliant Java engineering skills can lead you to a lucrative job pretty much anywhere you want to work.
Java programmers will always remain hot resources for the IT industry as Java is the most preferred programming language for Client-Server application developments. Opportunities such as junior/senior Java developer is a constant requirement across the IT industry. Training programs on Java programming by Sri Vidya Technologies focuses on empowering the students with the latest concepts and industry-specific topics.
Our well-planned course materials and well-experienced trainer ensure 100% success in interviews. So, if job security and a competitive salary are the things you wish for, developing strong Java programming skills is a must.
- JAVA is used across the best companies in the world.
- Most of the MNCs today looking for highly skilled Java professionals with an attractive average salary package of $110,000 per annum(Indeed salary data).
- Used by top industries across various business Verticals. Ex: Kargo, Bloomberg, Adaptive Management…etc.
- Rated no.1 in TIOBE Popular programming languages index (15th Consecutive Year)
- Used by 12 Million developers worldwide to develop applications for the 15 Billion devices supporting Java.
What are the jobs available after JAVA Training?
After completing Java training , the following jobs are available:
- Sr. Java Developer
- Applications Developer
- Full-stack Java Developer
- Principal Java Developer
- Software Engineer Java Developer
- Programmer Analyst
- Embedded Developer
- Architect
- IoT Software Engineer
- Java web developer
- Android developer.
Is it easy to get a job after learning Java?
Getting a job is easy if you have your Java concepts clear. Only learning will not help you to get a job. You should be skilled in it. Understanding What is Java and how things work in Java would definitely help you get a job. Understand basic concepts of Java-like multi-threading, polymorphism, inheritance, abstraction, collection, etc.
Having a good knowledge of core and advance Java, frameworks, and databases. At least one project based on Java. Companies are looking for resources that are skilled. They will be looking into your hard skills and soft skills both.
Which language is better for career Java or PHP?
Many will say it is all about the preference of the programmer, which is true, to a point. Looking at the benefits provided by both PHP and Java, it is clear that they both are very powerful. Every programming is better for other things. JAVA and PHP these are popular development language and while trying to decide which one to choose from these two options for careers.
Both Java and PHP are pervasive and integral to the modern web. These are two platforms, support some of the most profitable and largest sites of the world. Choosing Java or PHP is not the easiest decision. Both have their pros and cons. However, for few projects, one is certainly better than the other. Most Larger projects are better with Java vs PHP. However, small and medium projects are better with PHP vs Java.
What are the Top Companies hiring JAVA Professionals?
Every company uses Java, which deals with electronic devices and services, IT software & services. In more than billion different areas Java is used and it is the biggest useable known language after C++. IT hardware companies use Java. IT service company use Java (at least for one of its client), electronics companies use Java, mobile companies use Java.
So, if you are good in Java then you are open to many options and companies. Big data companies also use Java for interaction with Hadoop etc. Cloud computing supporting corporations prefer Java professionals as they don’t want the external overhead of licensing.
Web level or Enterprise level or mobile app level, all type of companies use Java in one way or the other. Amazon, eBay, Mozilla, Google, Infosys, Accenture, IBM, Wipro, Cap Gemini, TCS, Cognizant, etc. are the top companies hiring Java Professionals.
Predictions of Java Job Opportunities in upcoming Years & Salary Packages?
Java is one of the top 5 programming languages to learn in 2021 due to the wide application and the flexibility it provides in application development. With the advent of Android, this technology has witnessed new heights. As long as there is Android and people use this OS on their mobile devices, Java will prevail. Java technology is used from Android application development, trading applications to web browsers.
After C++, Java is the most important thing, taking place in the IT industry. With the innovations and the implication of Java in agile and lean thinking, the future for this technology looks bright. Some of the popular real-life use of java are JPC, ThinkFree office suit, NASA World Wind, Blu-ray BD-J, Sun SPOT, etc.
As a Java programmer, you have a wide range of positions to look forward to and a very lucrative career.
Different Modes of JAVA Training
Get enrolled for the most demanding skill in the world. Java Training will make your career a new height. We at Sri Vidya technologies provide you with an excellent platform to learn and explore the subject from industry experts. We help students to dream high and achieve it.
Sri Vidya Technologies provide different modes of training such as individual training, classroom training, classroom one to one training, Fast Track Classroom Training, One to one Training, Online Classroom Training, Corporate Training.
We also provide weekdays and weekend batches as per our student convenience. We offer self-paced videos to those who want to study at their own pace. Round the clock, online support is provided to the candidate.
Individual Java training is individualized to take into consideration the differences between learners. It is most suitably used in a one-to-one situation.Not like facilitated learning where the instructor takes a more passive role, with individual learning the trainer needs to consider and cater to the needs of individual participants. It doesn’t mean that students are at home they can be in a classroom and still work through things at their own pace.
Java Class Room Training
Group Training
Group Java Training is given by Professional Instructors in a Dynamic Learning Environment. The Courses give you a hands-on approach and are delivered where it’s convenient for you—regionally or on-site. We provide Classroom Training, and we are conveniently located in several areas around Chennai and Bangalore. We have 10 branches and 8 Branches in Bangalore state, And we are striving hard to spread our presence globally. We understand the requirement of our learners and get motivated with the reviews of our students and spreading our branches. If you are looking for training in areas around Andhra pradesh & Telangana, please get in touch with our career counselors to find your nearest branch.
One to One Training
The classroom one to one training makes the learning process of the students quite easier. This type of training denotes that you will have a personal trainer for the whole period of the course. You have the attention of our trainer all the time. Your weaknesses and strengths are pointed out more consistently and completely without the contest of other learners, unlike the other training methods. You will have no time limit so that you can carry on at your own pace and pressure in your study. It is an important one for interactivity as well as flexibility. It is classroom training rather than not self-learning.
Fast Track Training
Fast Track and flexible term courses are no different from regular semester-length courses. Sessions are more intensive, and trainees attend class more hours each week to learn what is needed to complete the course. This type of training is for those individuals who want to complete the course quickly by taking extra hours or extra classes.
Java Online Training
Online Classroom Training
This training will be conducted via live online streaming. These are interactive sessions that allow you to ask questions and participate in discussions during class time.Sessions are attended by a global audience to encourage your learning experience.
One to One Training
One dedicated trainer for one learner, this is an excellent way of learning to understand the content in a simple way. All the Trainers are highly qualified professionals.Sri Vidya technologies are leading in 1-to-1 training, most of the learner prefers this for various benefits. Quicker learning as you get the undivided attention of the trainer. You don’t need to wait for your turn to clear your doubts. Quality of learning has an inverse relation with the number of students in a class.
Fast Track Training
Fast Track and flexible term courses are no different from regular semester-length courses. Sessions are more intensive, and trainees attend class more hours each week to learn what is needed to complete the course. This type of training is for those individuals who want to complete the course quickly by taking extra hours or extra classes.
Corporate Training
This type of training is for companies who want to train, retrain, and jointly educate employees and managers in order to grow. We love to give corporate training as we have experienced professionals who can train you at your place with excellent teaching methodologies and help to grow your company at the highest peak.
Additional Information about JAVA:
The course is well structured and covers topics right from basic to the advanced programming level. The course curriculum and course material are designed to meet the current industry needs. We guarantee for your Java Training Success with Certification. In our Java training, the best of the teaching methods are followed so that the aspirants can gain the best knowledge on each and every topic in the course. As we have expert trainers who are Java developers with 10+ years of real-time experience, we deliver training with practical real-time awareness along with the theoretical understanding, so that the student gets the confidence to work with any requirements. Since it is easy to learn, compile, implement and debug, it is finding much favor among some of the biggest software companies around the world. This Training Course can assist you to develop the right skills needed to be a qualified Java professional and get high-paying jobs in top MNCs. Companies such as Google, Amazon, Mozilla, eBay hire skilled JAVA professionals.
About Java Latest Version
The latest version of Java – Java SE 11 (18.9 LTS) – was released in September 2018. The next update – Java SE 12 (19.3) – is set to release next year in March 2019.
Java is still one of the strongest and secured application programming languages. Though it was created around a couple of back, it is still one of the go-to programming languages for the developers when it comes to developing new software applications. Many supercomputers and high-end applications are designed on the Java platform and that is why it is still having that stranglehold on the application market as one of the leaders.
Advanced Java Training
Java offers a great opportunity for you to scale your career as a developer. That is why we provide you with Java Course. Our course syllabus and study material are designed in a way that it will definitely help you to grab a huge opportunity in the corporate world.
We have some of the best faculties who have the experience of working in some of the best IT companies and because of that, many refer us as the best Java Training Institute.
Once you complete our Java Certification Training, you will surely get your dream job at your desired company because you will be that much proficient in handling Java programming language. No other Java Training center can teach you Java in such a simplified way as we do. Therefore, come to us and learn Java in the best possible way.Free Demo Session: Try our Free classes and check the quality by yourself. Book Now!
About the Trainers
We, at Sri Vidya Technologies, provide you with the best instructors for Java Training. Our instructors have more than 10 years of experience in working with Java and are recognized as the industry leaders in providing Java training on Servlet, Ajax, Struts, JSP, EJB, Design Patterns and Hibernate.
With the education their education, they have created many Java experts who are bossing the IT industries at present. Because of this Sri Vidya Technologies is regarded as the Best Java Training Center.
Best Java Training with Java industry expert
We, at Sri Vidya Technologies, are the No 1 Java training institute and there are many reasons for that. One of the most credible and prominent reasons for this is our faculties. We provide the best teachers for Java Training. There are certain qualities in our teachers which make them experts in this industry.
Our faculties, at Sri Vidya Technologies, have years of experience in teaching Java Course. They know how to teach a student so that they grasp every bit of the lesson. We have many students who are working in reputed IT companies in top posts and they attribute their success to our faculties. That is why we are the Best Java Training Center.
KnowledgeWe, at Sri Vidya Technologies, appoints those as faculties to teach Java training courses who have superior knowledge in the field. As we strive to put forward the best possible educational system for our students, we want our teachers to match the standard where they can be regarded as experts in this industry. That is why each and every one of our teachers of Java Training has a great knowledge of Java programming language.
Innovative Techniques of Teaching
The reason why we provide the best Java courses is our teachers have innovative techniques of teaching by which they are able to make their students understand the topic without any confusion.
So, if you are searching for the top java training center near me then come and join us.
Certified Java Training
Sri Vidya Technologies is a highly reputed name when it comes to recognizing the best Java Training Institute. We have thousands of students who are working in reputed companies as Java experts.
Because our Java instructors have hands-on experience of working on Java projects in the past, we make our students proficient in handling java project from the time they get trained in Java. Our Java Course is practical and project-based and that is why our students are able to grow much faster than anywhere else.
While providing Java Training, we mainly focus on practical work which will teach our students how to handle and design projects. We do not neglect the theoretical part of the education totally. We know that the theory will create the foundation and help you to overcome the challenges that might arise while delivering a project. That is why I also teach you not only the theory but also how to apply that theory in real-time. That is why we provide the best Java courses. In our retain batch, we have 5 to 6 students. Which means you will be getting the absolute attention of our instructors. We focus on each and every one of our students minutely and rectify their mistakes and try to make their weak points stronger. We will guide you thoroughly until you get certified. There are many students of Sri Vidya Technologies who have secured 100% marks in their certification.
Java Training Course
We, at Sri Vidya Technologies, provide you with the complete JAVA training courses. Once you take admission in our institute, you will go out from here as a Java expert. Our complete Java training curriculum includes:
Core Java 7
The Core Java Training Course of Sri Vidya Technologies includes the introduction of Java, constructors, OOPS concepts, multi-threading, semantics, applets, exception handling, GUI programming, etc.
Advanced Java
Advanced Java course will help you to learn the ability to use the latest technologies and combining them with advanced Java. You will learn using technologies such as Hadoop and its other systems.
Those who have good knowledge about the basics of Java look for deeper knowledge on the programming language and that is what Java J2EE Training Course will provide you. J2EE is the platform for developing and deploying applications.
In this course, you will get introduced to the Java Servlet platforms which are basically used to handle requests which are acquired from web servers.
In this course, you will be learning about Java Servlet Pages and its applications. It will work as a foundation for you in building your career as a Java programmer.
Java Serves Faces is one of the latest Java frameworks which are used to build different web applications. In this course, you will be learning about them and obtain the ability to create the Web user interface on Java.
Struts framework
It is an open-source framework that helps you to develop a web Struts framework is one of the most popular training courses on Java which you should attend.
It is a server-side programming method that infuses the business strategies inside a web application. In this age, knowing EJB could be highly beneficial for the students.
Hibernate Framework
In this course, you will be learning about an open-source lightweight framework that enables applications to interact with the web applications.
In this course, you will learn about the Spring framework which can be used by any Java web applications.
Live Project with the actual environment as per the SDLC Principles
In this course, you will be working on live projects and get hands-on experience of how actually working with Java programming language feels like.
Java Training Course
Java is one of the best programming languages that you should know even in this day and age. Though there are other programming languages in the market, the demand of Java Course and those who have knowledge in Java is growing up day by day. By having the best Java courses, your chances of getting selected in top IT companies will go up.
However, you have to take the certification from a reputed Java Training Institute. When you come to us, at Sri Vidya Technologies, for Java Training, you can rest assured that you will be getting selected in a big company.
What Will You Learn from Java Training?
When you go for the best Java training courses provided by Sri Vidya Technologies, you get many advantages such as:
- You will learn by working in the real time projects on Java
- Practical lessons from the leaders of this industry
- Interactive online training
- More scope of finding placement in some of the best IT companies in the country
- Attain the knowledge of how to scale interview skills for Java
- Flexible batch timings
Hence, if you are looking for the ideal Java training institute near me then join us at Sri Vidya Technologies. We have the keys to your success.
Java Certification Training
We, at Sri Vidya Technologies, understand that the reason you are interested in learning Java is, it is one such course that could land you’re a high paying job. When you get certified from us, you can rest assured that you will be getting hired by a reputed company.
We, at Sri Vidya Technologies, cater exceptional talents to the companies who are in desperate needs. We help the companies to fill the void of not having skilled Java experts.
So, if you want to fulfill your aspirations of securing a top position as a Java expert in a reputed IT company the come to us at Sri Vidya Technologies. Call us at +91 7207321110 to find out more about our Java Training Courses.
Java Training Benefits For Students
- We prepare freshers for the IT sector
- Avail a good salary in E-commerce or IT sector
- Get placed just after completing the course
- The popularity of Java course is growing as with its scope
Working Professionals
- Plenty of Job opportunities
- Your salary will get increased
- Shit from your present domain to Java
- You will have promising career options
Are You Looking for a Career in Java? Looking for a Job that will give you a good salary?
You can join us and get certified in Java and get the best placement from us. We will ensure that your dreams get fulfilled with us.
Java Trainer Profile:
Our Java Trainers:
- 10 Years of experience in Java
- Work experience in multiple real-time Java projects
- Employees in top MNCs
- Taught more than 2000 students
- Strong Knowledge of Theory & Practical
- Certified Professionals
Java Placement Training
- Taught more than 2000 students
- Placement Record of 92%
- More than a Thousand Interviews Organized
Java Training Batch Size
Regular Batch (Morning, Day time & Evening)
- Available Seats: 8 (maximum)
Weekend Training Batch (Saturday, Sunday & Holidays)
- Available Seats: 8 (maximum)
Fast Track Batch
- Available Seats: 5 (maximum)
What is the Average salary for Java Professionals?
According to Payscale, the average salary of an experienced Java professional is around 768,559 per year.
What roles are offered by companies for Java professionals?
It depends on the individual. But a student who has completed Java Training can get selected from:
- Java Developer
- Back End Applications Engineer
- Technical Manager
Which companies are hiring Java Professionals?
There are several companies that are looking to hire Java experts. Some of them are:
- Accion labs
- HyrEzy Talent Solutions
- Synechron Technologies
- CRM Consultancy
- Tech Mahindra
- And Many More!
Do I get job support at the end of this course?
Yes, we have a team of dedicated personnel who will provide you with support even after the end of the course. We will help you to:
- Build a proper resume
- Share top interview questions and answers
- Share some of the insights about the real-time projects
- Bring a better career change
Other benefits while undergoing Java Training with Sri Vidya Technologies
- Use high-speed free internet
- Increase industry exposure
- Exploration to be a master
- Power backup for classrooms
- International Certification
- Discounts on course fees
What payment modes are accepted?
We, at Sri Vidya Technologies, accept almost all major payment options such as Cash, Net Banking or Cards.
Java Training Course Overview
This Comprehensive Java Course will teach you the Java Object Oriented Programming with best practices and instructor led Java EE Demo Projects. Our updated Java Course Syllabus will focus on 100% Modern java design implementations to develop dynamic and secure real time applications.
Write Java Code like a Pro with our Java training delivered by experienced trainers through online and Classroom with Resume Building and Mock Interviews to get Software developer Jobs.
You will gain strong Practical exposure on SQL & PLSQL database languages Queries along with this Java Course to manipulating data in Real-time Projects. Get in-depth Practical Classes on JAVA 8 features Such as lambda expressions, Stream API, Method and functional interface, Parallel array Sorting and more with Course Materials and Project Assignments.
Prerequisite for java Course
This Recommended Course is Suitable for Fresher’s and College Graduates with Basic Computer Knowledge like OOPS, C and C++ languages and experienced Candidates who wish to learn and become the Master in Java Programming.
If you don’t have any Prior Coding Knowledge we will recommend you to start with Basic C and C++ Courses available at our library. Get free Java Tutorials, Blog and YouTube videos to understand the basic OOPS Stuff posted by Sri Vidya technologies Trainers.
We Offer Best Java Training are taught by Java Certified Professionals. Our Java Training focused on Job Oriented with full of Practical Sessions rather than boring theory. Our Java Syllabus designed by Java experts which will Suitable for Students, freshers, and Working Professionals.Get Hands-on training on Basic & Advance level Concepts like Core Java, J2EE, Spring, Struts and Hibernate. Enroll and get started your dream Java Developer Career in the IT industry.
About Java Course
Sri Vidya Technologies’ Java Certification Training is curated by the industry experts as per the industrial demands and requirements. Java Training encompasses complete knowledge on basic and advanced concepts of core Java & J2EE; you will gain expertise in the concepts like Exception Handling, OOPS, Multithreading, Collection, Synchronization, Applet, Layout Manager & Advanced Concepts using industry use-cases.
Our instructors have more experience, and they are currently working in MNC. Each and Every topic will be clearly explained with real-time project scenarios. For an excellent hands-on learning experience, this training program is covered with assessment tests, assignments and exercises.
This Training is completely practical and placement oriented. This course is designed to meet the requirements of those who want to be professional Java developers. This will also help the trainees to get through the Java Programmer Certification. “Write Once, Run Anywhere” – Java programming language was developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems in 1995.
Java is a high-level, object-oriented, simple, platform-independent, secure, architectural–neutral, robust, portable, high performance, multi-threaded, distributed and dynamic. JAVA derives much of its syntax from C & C++. A Java program can run on a variety of operating systems without rewriting the code. Java runs on various platforms, such as Mac OS, Windows and the various versions of UNIX.
It is the global standard for developing and delivering embedded applications, web content, games and enterprise software. It can also be used for machine learning, artificial intelligence, RSS feeds, block chain and Java apps. It is the most popular programming language for Client-Server applications with over 12 million developers worldwide using it.
Despite having a strong competition on the server side from Microsoft and other companies, Java is doing exceptionally well on mobile platforms, thanks to Android! Java has also been the primary language for Hadoop Developers. According to Oracle, Java can drive innovation, reduce costs and more as the programming language of choice for cloud computing, IoT, enterprise architecture and enterprise applications.
What are the objective of our JAVA Training?
Our Java Training is designed by industry experts to make you a Certified Java Developer. Following are the objectives our Java course offers:
- In-depth knowledge of Java conditional statements, data types and loops, multi-threading & exception handling, a database using hibernate framework.
- Complete knowledge of object-oriented programming through Java using Objects, Classes and various Java concepts like Abstract, Final, etc., and parse XML files using SAX and DOM.
- The capability to implement functions, arrays & string handling techniques, JDBC to communicate with SOA, Database using web services.
- The exposure to several real-life industry-based projects.
- Projects which are diverse in nature covering telecommunication, banking, insurance, social media, and e-commerce domains.
- The Rigorous involvement of a Small and Medium Enterprise throughout the Java Training to learn industry standards and best practices.
- Involvement of an SME throughout the Training to learn industry standards and best practices.
Why Should you go for the JAVA Certification Training?
With the advancement of mobile application development, Java has become an essential programming language to be added to any software professional’s skill set. It is one of the best choices of developers in the world of programming. Currently, Java finds its application in mobile and web development. Additionally, Hadoop is the most widely used framework of Big Data architecture, and it uses Java for design & development. Hence, Java makes way for professionals in the field of Big Data.
- Rated no.1 in Popular programming languages index, TIOBE (15th Consecutive Year)
- Used by more than 10 Million developers globally to develop applications for the 15 Billion devices supporting Java.
- Nowadays, Companies are increasingly looking for highly skilled Java professionals with an attractive average salary package of $110k per annum.
- Used by top reputed industries across various business Verticals. Ex: Kargo, Bloomberg, Adaptive Management..etc.
Who should go for the JAVA Certification Training?
Java Certification training can be taken up by the following professionals:
- Fresher
- Programming enthusiasts
- Software developers
- Engineering graduates
- Web designers
- Database Administrators
- Programming enthusiasts
- Architects
- Testing Engineers
- Professionals and students who wish to become Java developers
How will JAVA Certification Training help your Career?
This Certification will make you more valuable to your present and/or future employer.
- Improve your career prospects and increase your job security, as Java experts are in high demand.
- Deepen your skills and broaden your knowledge and through performing a variety of essential functions, features, and tasks.
- Certified individuals can easily get a job than non-certified ones.
- You can get a promotion or hike in salary easily.
What are the prerequisites for JAVA Certification Training?
- Knowledge of computers.
- Prior exposure to object-oriented programming(OOP) concepts is not required, but beneficial.
- Have some real programming experience and be familiar with basic programming techniques, preferably with procedural programming languages, and ideally with C. Even though C++ is not needed, prior knowledge of it will be an added advantage. Basic understanding of C, C++ programming language. The understanding of Object-Oriented programming constructs will be beneficial.
What Skills will you learn in JAVA Training?
During the Java course, you will be trained by our expert trainers:
- To gain In-depth knowledge of concepts of Basic and Core JAVA
- To get familiar with the features of Java Language
- To discover how to write Java code as per the Object-Oriented Programming(OOP) principles.
- To become comfortable with concepts such as Objects, Classes, Inheritance, Interfaces, and Polymorphism
- To learn the Java APIs for Collections, I/O Streams
- To design Applets and GUI applications using Swing and AWT.
- To develop Networking and Multithreaded applications.
- To develop database apps using JDBC
- To get knowledge of many real-life industry-based projects
- To build an Independent Desktop application.
JAVA Training to meet the growing corporate needs. Right from the beginning of the career Java developers will have a decent package and they get very good pay once they get succeeded in their first project.
If you have proper technical knowledge with valid certification from any of the well-reputed institutions, you can fetch a great job in this Java field, just for this reason many people prefer taking Java Training.
Why to Choose Java As a Career Option?
Do a simple Google search by typing the best programming languages for career development. The result you’ll encounter is a head-spinning list of programming languages on different websites. But, there will remain one constant in each of those lists, Java. Read more at Why Choose Java As a Career Option?
Introduction to Java, Core Java, J2EE, J2SE, J2ME, Spring
Sri Vidya Technologies offers training courses in Java and J2ee by the certified Java experts with an aim to bridge the gap between the field of education and IT industry. This approach makes Sri Vidya Technologies one of the best Java training institute. Java is one of the most prevalent programming languages in the world and one of the most sought-after skills in the domain of software development. It is widely used for developing cutting-edge applications, be it for the web or mobile platform. Join our institute and get a stronghold on various Java concepts like Exception Handling, OOPS, Multithreading, Collection, Synchronization, Layout Manager, Applet & Advanced Concepts in Java.
Features of JAVA Training
Java is a general-purpose programming language developed in order to bring portability and a higher level of security. Other than these two main java features, there are many other features of Java that make it such a unique and popular language. They are- Simple, Object-Oriented, Portable, Platform Independent, Secured, Robust, Architecture Neutral, Dynamic, Interpreted, High Performance, Multi-Threaded, Distributed, Usability, Open Source.
Sri Vidya Technologies offers training courses in Java technologies by the Java experts with a unique objective to bridge the gap between the field of education and IT industry.
- In our Java training, the best of the teaching methodologies are followed so that the trainees can gain the best of knowledge on each and every topic in the course.
- As we have industry experts with long real-time experience, we deliver training with practical real-time awareness along with the theoretical understanding.
- Trainees are guided through the training in such a way that they can develop a standalone application by the end of Java training course.
- Course material covering all the topics is given to help the trainees learn better. Regular assessments and daily assignments and are conducted to help groom their technical skills.
- The excellent learning environment, regular assistance, and well-cataloged training procedures are the key features of Sri Vidya Technologies’ Java Training.
- Quality in-depth teaching in latest technologies like J2EE, JSE, Servlets, Hibernate, etc., experimental labs, well-furnished classrooms, make student to develop a passion for learning.
- As you evolve your career, you need a learning solution that inspires you to create the future. With our platform, you can keep up with the speed of technology, work faster and smarter, and gain in-demand skills.
Why Sri Vidya Technologies is Rated as No.1 Java Training Institute?
The JAVA Training Institute being offered by Sri Vidya Technologies will ensure 100% placement and wide industry exposure.
- The Java certification being awarded is very useful for the students obtaining it to secure top positions in huge companies.
- All our students who finish java training with us are flooded with fruitful job opportunities. Practical oriented java training is one of the reasons for our continued success in the field of training over these years.
- We have hand-picked a unique team of experienced Java trainers and Java experts who are specialized in teaching Java course.
- Sri Vidya technologies have put up its centers in various parts of India. The latest technology is taught as various separate courses.
What are the main benefits of Sri Vidya Technologies for Java Training?
Sri Vidya Technologies holds out top quality Java Training with an exceptionally skillful combination of talented instructors, distinguished and easy–read training materials and a remarkable learning environment that clearly shelves our Java training phase in the top Training’s rack.
- We offer a wide range of JAVA training to meet the growing corporate needs. The course materials and syllabus are prepared by trainers who have many years of experience in leading IT companies.
- We provide Java Training with Placement in leading companies. Walk into our Office to find the list of Companies our Students are placed.
- Our Java Training allows theoretical concepts to be reinforced with extensive hands-on sessions.
- Our Java Training allows you to offer both standard and custom courses that will manipulate you from being a novice to an App-Maker (Real-time Application Development).
- Instructors at Sri Vidya Technologies are the best ones in town.
- Typical Sri Vidya Technologies instructors have an average of more than 7-8 years of professional and practical experience in the technology, they tutor.
- They do not help you out in the formal academic way of teaching without practical experience.
- They will very well construct the academic part with all those required and take you forward into the IT world with the necessary exposure you need by means of their practice sessions.
- They are excellent communicators and bring matchless enthusiasm for learning.
JAVA: About Trainer
Our Trainers provide complete freedom to the students, to explore the subject and learn based on real-time examples. Our trainers help the candidates in completing their projects and even prepare them for interview questions and answers. Candidates are free to ask any questions at any time.
- More than 7+ Years of Experience.
- Trained more than 2000+ students in a year.
- Strong Theoretical & Practical Knowledge.
- Certified Professionals with High Grade.
- Well connected with Hiring HRs in multinational companies.
- Expert level Subject Knowledge and fully up-to-date on real-world industry applications.
- Trainers have Experienced on multiple real-time projects in their Industries.
- Our Trainers are working in multinational companies such as CTS, TCS, HCL Technologies, ZOHO, Birlasoft, IBM, Microsoft, HP, Scope, Philips Technologies etc
Trainer Profile For Java Course
We have a team of qualified professionals who have experience in handling real-time projects in industries and holds good command over theoretical knowledge. Sri Vidya Technologies is the leading Java Training Institute . Recognized by Oracle, we provide Java certification that comes directly from Oracle and recognized by any company around the world.
Our Java trainer Mr. Salem is a software engineer with over 10 years of experience working on Java writing various programs and applications for world-renowned companies including the IT companies. Sri Vidya Technologies has been teaching Java to students for over 10 years. With the help of our Java training , thousands of students have found positions in top IT companies and other parts of India.
Mr. Salem with his supreme knowledge in Java provides you with the best training using the examples of real-life projects. During the course, our trainers will assign you with real projects that solve real-life problems. Using these projects, you can develop an impressive portfolio that can be presented to the recruiter during the interview.
Our Java training emphasizes on practical aspects of the course rather than most institute who teach you the theory of Java. After the completion of the training, you will become adept at developing applications and programs using the Java programming language and other advanced concepts of Java.
- Our instructors are fully dedicated to building career of our trainees and always updated with industry trends and demands to implement the same in their project.
- All our trainees get the full freedom to learn the subject with the high learning experience. Our instructors work in a reputed organisation.
- They work in their part-time to make our trainees master the subject. We also provide training in a customized way and undertake both academic and corporate level training globally.
- We offer training in both online and offline mode, and our trainers are present in different areas of the world. Our instructor’s tips and tricks help our students to remember the complicated concepts and advanced techniques very easily.
- We focus on practical concepts rather on theoretical concepts at the end of the day students need the same to implement at the client’s projects.
- Our instructors provide possible support to the students to reach their goals and prepare them to face interview with confidence.
Key Features of JAVA Training
Introduction to JAVA
Java is a user-friendly yet reliable and secure language used in the internet world. This programming language is known as one of the best platforms for mobile application developers. Java has two strategic domains known as Core Java and Advance Java.
Java is used in a wide variety of computing platforms from mobile phones and embedded devices to supercomputers and enterprise servers. It is the most popular programming language for Client-Server applications with more than 10 million developers worldwide.
Core Java training helps to build an applet or small application modules to make it possible for a Web page user to interact with the page. The Java course helps to get opportunities to work in a cross-platform computing environment
What is Java?
Java is a programming language that was developed by Sun Microsystems. Java is a simple, portable, platform-independent, object-oriented, multi-threaded, secure, architecture-neutral, robust, high performance, dynamic and distributed. It runs on various OS platforms like Mac, Windows, and UNIX. It can be used to develop software and applets.
What is the full meaning of Java?
JAVA (Just Another Virtual Accelerator) being used as slang for “coffee” Java does not have any full form, but a programming language originally developed by James Gosling at Sun Micro systems in 1995, which has since been taken by Oracle Corporation. It derives much of its syntax from the most popular programming languages of all time: C & C++.
What type of language is Java?
Java is an object-oriented language. Its syntax is common as C & C++. Java programs are compiled to class files (bytecode) that can run on any JVM (Java Virtual Machine), making Java a platform-independent programming language. It does not require re-compilation and works efficiently in computers as well as Android mobile platforms.
Why is Java a platform?
Java is a platform for application development. A platform is a loosely defined computer industry buzzword that typically means some combination of system hardware & software that will mostly run all the same software. For example, DEC Alphas running Windows NT would be one platform, Power Macs running Mac OS 9.2 would be another.
What is Java used for?
In today’s world, Java has a wide variety of different uses. For example, Java is used for web-applications like Google docs and also for things like mobile games. Perhaps most notably, Java is mostly used to build applets or small application modules for use as part of a web page. Java can be used to code almost anything. It is often used as a “backend” programming language for the web, so web applications will often use Java code to create Application Program Interface (API) to allow the front-end to do different tasks.
What is the difference between Java and core Java?
Java is a programming language, but Core Java is a part of Java. Core Java is the basic of Java. If you don’t know anything about Java, then you have to start with core Java. Core Java is used for developing a general Java application whereas Advanced Java is used for developing the web-based application and enterprise application.
Core Java is having the concept of Java fundamentals, JDBC, Swings, Applet, Java Beans technology without this; no one can jump on any advance Java technology. Java is basically categorized in 3 parts: J2EE, J2SE and J2ME. To learn J2ME or J2EE, you should know core Java.
What is the difference between Java and Javascript?
JavaScript (JS) is not related to or similar to Java. JS is an OOP scripting language while Java is an OOP programming language. Java creates applications that run in a virtual machine(VM) or browser while JS code is run on a browser only. Java code needs to be compiled, whereas JavaScript code is all in the text. Both languages have a C like a syntax and are mostly used in client-side Web applications, but there are few similarities only.
Is Java an open-source?
In 2006, Sun released much of Java as FOSS (free and open-source software), under the terms of the GNU GPL (General Public License). In 2007, Sun finished the process, making all of Java’s core code available under a free software or open-source distribution terms, apart from a small portion of code to which Sun did not hold the copyright.
Open Java Development Kit (OpenJDK) is an open-source and free implementation of the Java programming language.
Is Java a coffee?
Java logo is a coffee-cup because “Java” is a slang term for “coffee”. Many Java software products contain coffee-related puns (e.g. numerous variants of “espresso”). Gosling wanted a simple but an attractive name for his product. It was named oak at first; later it was changed to Java.
What is j2ee in Java?
J2EE in Java stands for Java 2 Enterprise Edition. J2EE is a Java-centric, platform-independent environment from Sun for developing, building & deploying Web-based enterprise applications online. The J2EE platform consists of a set of APIs, services, and protocols that provide the functionality for developing multitiered, Web-based applications.
What are the Applications/domains using Java Technology?
Java is an amazing technology with applications in several fields from Android applications, server apps at financial services industry, software tools to trading applications. Here is a list of applications of Java:
- Web front-end development (Applets)
- Web back-end development (Servlets)
- Standalone windows based desktop Applications (GUI programming)
- Networking (Socket programming)
- Database based (accessing) applications (JDBC)
- Big Data (Hadoop)
- Mobile applications (Android)
- AI applications
- Embedded Systems
- Applications for Big Enterprises
- Games programming
Placement Assistance after JAVA Training
With years of experience in training, Sri Vidya technologies have a large client base, and we constantly get requirements for providing good resources.
- On successful completion of the course and completion of a real-time project, students are requested to submit the updated profile with Sri Vidya Technologies.
- We have tied up with many reputed organizations, and at the end of the course, we send our every student to interviews.
- We have a separate job portal for our students, our placement team will notify the students as and when suitable opportunities are available and our support team that conducts mock interviews and test to our students.
- We even provide interview questions and answers to our students and prepare them well before any interviews so that students feel confident during interviews and crack job of their interest.
Job Opportunities in JAVA
Java programmers will always remain hot commodities for the IT industry as Java is the most preferred programming language for Client-Server application developments. Many companies lookout for Java skilled employees. Companies such as Amazon, eBay, Mozilla, Google hire skilled JAVA professionals.
Many Java developers you can find in the market, but everyone doesn’t have in-depth knowledge of the subject where they are missing the opportunities in the market. A good foundation is mandatory for learning Java.We are here to help our students in getting in-depth knowledge on the subject. Opportunities as junior or senior Java developer is a constant requirement across the IT industry. Training programs on Java programming by Sri Vidya Technologies focuses on empowering the students with the latest concepts and industry-specific topics. Our well-experienced instructor and well-planned course materials ensure 100% success in interviews.
Since Java Used for Multiple Purpose like Developing, Automation Testing, Mobile Application Development Java Developer Jobs are high when Compare to Other technologies in IT industry.For Java Fresher Top MNC like CTS, Infosys, TCS, Wipro Offering up to 5 lakh per annum. If you are having More than 2+ Years Experience in Advance Java Frameworks you can ask 100% hike on your Current CTC.
Get trained on Java and get Placed in Top Companies and other cities. No doubt, Java skills are some of the most sought-after programming skills desired by employers. Companies all over the world use the Java programming language. Brilliant Java engineering skills can lead you to a lucrative job pretty much anywhere you want to work.
Java programmers will always remain hot resources for the IT industry as Java is the most preferred programming language for Client-Server application developments. Opportunities such as junior/senior Java developer is a constant requirement across the IT industry. Training programs on Java programming by Sri Vidya Technologies focuses on empowering the students with the latest concepts and industry-specific topics.
Our well-planned course materials and well-experienced trainer ensure 100% success in interviews. So, if job security and a competitive salary are the things you wish for, developing strong Java programming skills is a must.
- JAVA is used across the best companies in the world.
- Most of the MNCs today looking for highly skilled Java professionals with an attractive average salary package of $110,000 per annum(Indeed salary data).
- Used by top industries across various business Verticals. Ex: Kargo, Bloomberg, Adaptive Management…etc.
- Rated no.1 in TIOBE Popular programming languages index (15th Consecutive Year)
- Used by 12 Million developers worldwide to develop applications for the 15 Billion devices supporting Java.
What are the jobs available after JAVA Training?
After completing Java training , the following jobs are available:
- Sr. Java Developer
- Applications Developer
- Full-stack Java Developer
- Principal Java Developer
- Software Engineer Java Developer
- Programmer Analyst
- Embedded Developer
- Architect
- IoT Software Engineer
- Java web developer
- Android developer.
Is it easy to get a job after learning Java?
Getting a job is easy if you have your Java concepts clear. Only learning will not help you to get a job. You should be skilled in it. Understanding What is Java and how things work in Java would definitely help you get a job. Understand basic concepts of Java-like multi-threading, polymorphism, inheritance, abstraction, collection, etc.
Having a good knowledge of core and advance Java, frameworks, and databases. At least one project based on Java. Companies are looking for resources that are skilled. They will be looking into your hard skills and soft skills both.
Which language is better for career Java or PHP?
Many will say it is all about the preference of the programmer, which is true, to a point. Looking at the benefits provided by both PHP and Java, it is clear that they both are very powerful. Every programming is better for other things. JAVA and PHP these are popular development language and while trying to decide which one to choose from these two options for careers.
Both Java and PHP are pervasive and integral to the modern web. These are two platforms, support some of the most profitable and largest sites of the world. Choosing Java or PHP is not the easiest decision. Both have their pros and cons. However, for few projects, one is certainly better than the other. Most Larger projects are better with Java vs PHP. However, small and medium projects are better with PHP vs Java.
What are the Top Companies hiring JAVA Professionals?
Every company uses Java, which deals with electronic devices and services, IT software & services. In more than billion different areas Java is used and it is the biggest useable known language after C++. IT hardware companies use Java. IT service company use Java (at least for one of its client), electronics companies use Java, mobile companies use Java.
So, if you are good in Java then you are open to many options and companies. Big data companies also use Java for interaction with Hadoop etc. Cloud computing supporting corporations prefer Java professionals as they don’t want the external overhead of licensing.
Web level or Enterprise level or mobile app level, all type of companies use Java in one way or the other. Amazon, eBay, Mozilla, Google, Infosys, Accenture, IBM, Wipro, Cap Gemini, TCS, Cognizant, etc. are the top companies hiring Java Professionals.
Predictions of Java Job Opportunities in upcoming Years & Salary Packages?
Java is one of the top 5 programming languages to learn in 2021 due to the wide application and the flexibility it provides in application development. With the advent of Android, this technology has witnessed new heights. As long as there is Android and people use this OS on their mobile devices, Java will prevail. Java technology is used from Android application development, trading applications to web browsers.
After C++, Java is the most important thing, taking place in the IT industry. With the innovations and the implication of Java in agile and lean thinking, the future for this technology looks bright. Some of the popular real-life use of java are JPC, ThinkFree office suit, NASA World Wind, Blu-ray BD-J, Sun SPOT, etc.
As a Java programmer, you have a wide range of positions to look forward to and a very lucrative career.
Different Modes of JAVA Training
Get enrolled for the most demanding skill in the world. Java Training will make your career a new height. We at Sri Vidya technologies provide you with an excellent platform to learn and explore the subject from industry experts. We help students to dream high and achieve it.
Sri Vidya Technologies provide different modes of training such as individual training, classroom training, classroom one to one training, Fast Track Classroom Training, One to one Training, Online Classroom Training, Corporate Training.
We also provide weekdays and weekend batches as per our student convenience. We offer self-paced videos to those who want to study at their own pace. Round the clock, online support is provided to the candidate.
Individual Java training is individualized to take into consideration the differences between learners. It is most suitably used in a one-to-one situation.Not like facilitated learning where the instructor takes a more passive role, with individual learning the trainer needs to consider and cater to the needs of individual participants. It doesn’t mean that students are at home they can be in a classroom and still work through things at their own pace.
Java Class Room Training
Group Training
Group Java Training is given by Professional Instructors in a Dynamic Learning Environment. The Courses give you a hands-on approach and are delivered where it’s convenient for you—regionally or on-site. We provide Classroom Training, and we are conveniently located in several areas around Chennai and Bangalore. We have 10 branches and 8 Branches in Bangalore state, And we are striving hard to spread our presence globally. We understand the requirement of our learners and get motivated with the reviews of our students and spreading our branches. If you are looking for training in areas around Andhra pradesh & Telangana, please get in touch with our career counselors to find your nearest branch.
One to One Training
The classroom one to one training makes the learning process of the students quite easier. This type of training denotes that you will have a personal trainer for the whole period of the course. You have the attention of our trainer all the time. Your weaknesses and strengths are pointed out more consistently and completely without the contest of other learners, unlike the other training methods. You will have no time limit so that you can carry on at your own pace and pressure in your study. It is an important one for interactivity as well as flexibility. It is classroom training rather than not self-learning.
Fast Track Training
Fast Track and flexible term courses are no different from regular semester-length courses. Sessions are more intensive, and trainees attend class more hours each week to learn what is needed to complete the course. This type of training is for those individuals who want to complete the course quickly by taking extra hours or extra classes.
Java Online Training
Online Classroom Training
This training will be conducted via live online streaming. These are interactive sessions that allow you to ask questions and participate in discussions during class time.Sessions are attended by a global audience to encourage your learning experience.
One to One Training
One dedicated trainer for one learner, this is an excellent way of learning to understand the content in a simple way. All the Trainers are highly qualified professionals.Sri Vidya technologies are leading in 1-to-1 training, most of the learner prefers this for various benefits. Quicker learning as you get the undivided attention of the trainer. You don’t need to wait for your turn to clear your doubts. Quality of learning has an inverse relation with the number of students in a class.
Fast Track Training
Fast Track and flexible term courses are no different from regular semester-length courses. Sessions are more intensive, and trainees attend class more hours each week to learn what is needed to complete the course. This type of training is for those individuals who want to complete the course quickly by taking extra hours or extra classes.
Corporate Training
This type of training is for companies who want to train, retrain, and jointly educate employees and managers in order to grow. We love to give corporate training as we have experienced professionals who can train you at your place with excellent teaching methodologies and help to grow your company at the highest peak.
Additional Information about JAVA:
The course is well structured and covers topics right from basic to the advanced programming level. The course curriculum and course material are designed to meet the current industry needs. We guarantee for your Java Training Success with Certification. In our Java training, the best of the teaching methods are followed so that the aspirants can gain the best knowledge on each and every topic in the course. As we have expert trainers who are Java developers with 10+ years of real-time experience, we deliver training with practical real-time awareness along with the theoretical understanding, so that the student gets the confidence to work with any requirements. Since it is easy to learn, compile, implement and debug, it is finding much favor among some of the biggest software companies around the world. This Training Course can assist you to develop the right skills needed to be a qualified Java professional and get high-paying jobs in top MNCs. Companies such as Google, Amazon, Mozilla, eBay hire skilled JAVA professionals.
About Java Latest Version
The latest version of Java – Java SE 11 (18.9 LTS) – was released in September 2018. The next update – Java SE 12 (19.3) – is set to release next year in March 2019.
Java is still one of the strongest and secured application programming languages. Though it was created around a couple of back, it is still one of the go-to programming languages for the developers when it comes to developing new software applications. Many supercomputers and high-end applications are designed on the Java platform and that is why it is still having that stranglehold on the application market as one of the leaders.
Advanced Java Training
Java offers a great opportunity for you to scale your career as a developer. That is why we provide you with Java Course. Our course syllabus and study material are designed in a way that it will definitely help you to grab a huge opportunity in the corporate world.
We have some of the best faculties who have the experience of working in some of the best IT companies and because of that, many refer us as the best Java Training Institute.
Once you complete our Java Certification Training, you will surely get your dream job at your desired company because you will be that much proficient in handling Java programming language. No other Java Training center can teach you Java in such a simplified way as we do. Therefore, come to us and learn Java in the best possible way.Free Demo Session: Try our Free classes and check the quality by yourself. Book Now!
About the Trainers
We, at Sri Vidya Technologies, provide you with the best instructors for Java Training. Our instructors have more than 10 years of experience in working with Java and are recognized as the industry leaders in providing Java training on Servlet, Ajax, Struts, JSP, EJB, Design Patterns and Hibernate.
With the education their education, they have created many Java experts who are bossing the IT industries at present. Because of this Sri Vidya Technologies is regarded as the Best Java Training Center.
Best Java Training with Java industry expert
We, at Sri Vidya Technologies, are the No 1 Java training institute and there are many reasons for that. One of the most credible and prominent reasons for this is our faculties. We provide the best teachers for Java Training. There are certain qualities in our teachers which make them experts in this industry.
Our faculties, at Sri Vidya Technologies, have years of experience in teaching Java Course. They know how to teach a student so that they grasp every bit of the lesson. We have many students who are working in reputed IT companies in top posts and they attribute their success to our faculties. That is why we are the Best Java Training Center.
KnowledgeWe, at Sri Vidya Technologies, appoints those as faculties to teach Java training courses who have superior knowledge in the field. As we strive to put forward the best possible educational system for our students, we want our teachers to match the standard where they can be regarded as experts in this industry. That is why each and every one of our teachers of Java Training has a great knowledge of Java programming language.
Innovative Techniques of Teaching
The reason why we provide the best Java courses is our teachers have innovative techniques of teaching by which they are able to make their students understand the topic without any confusion.
So, if you are searching for the top java training center near me then come and join us.
Certified Java Training
Sri Vidya Technologies is a highly reputed name when it comes to recognizing the best Java Training Institute. We have thousands of students who are working in reputed companies as Java experts.
Because our Java instructors have hands-on experience of working on Java projects in the past, we make our students proficient in handling java project from the time they get trained in Java. Our Java Course is practical and project-based and that is why our students are able to grow much faster than anywhere else.
While providing Java Training, we mainly focus on practical work which will teach our students how to handle and design projects. We do not neglect the theoretical part of the education totally. We know that the theory will create the foundation and help you to overcome the challenges that might arise while delivering a project. That is why I also teach you not only the theory but also how to apply that theory in real-time. That is why we provide the best Java courses. In our retain batch, we have 5 to 6 students. Which means you will be getting the absolute attention of our instructors. We focus on each and every one of our students minutely and rectify their mistakes and try to make their weak points stronger. We will guide you thoroughly until you get certified. There are many students of Sri Vidya Technologies who have secured 100% marks in their certification.
Java Training Course
We, at Sri Vidya Technologies, provide you with the complete JAVA training courses. Once you take admission in our institute, you will go out from here as a Java expert. Our complete Java training curriculum includes:
Core Java 7
The Core Java Training Course of Sri Vidya Technologies includes the introduction of Java, constructors, OOPS concepts, multi-threading, semantics, applets, exception handling, GUI programming, etc.
Advanced Java
Advanced Java course will help you to learn the ability to use the latest technologies and combining them with advanced Java. You will learn using technologies such as Hadoop and its other systems.
Those who have good knowledge about the basics of Java look for deeper knowledge on the programming language and that is what Java J2EE Training Course will provide you. J2EE is the platform for developing and deploying applications.
In this course, you will get introduced to the Java Servlet platforms which are basically used to handle requests which are acquired from web servers.
In this course, you will be learning about Java Servlet Pages and its applications. It will work as a foundation for you in building your career as a Java programmer.
Java Serves Faces is one of the latest Java frameworks which are used to build different web applications. In this course, you will be learning about them and obtain the ability to create the Web user interface on Java.
Struts framework
It is an open-source framework that helps you to develop a web Struts framework is one of the most popular training courses on Java which you should attend.
It is a server-side programming method that infuses the business strategies inside a web application. In this age, knowing EJB could be highly beneficial for the students.
Hibernate Framework
In this course, you will be learning about an open-source lightweight framework that enables applications to interact with the web applications.
In this course, you will learn about the Spring framework which can be used by any Java web applications.
Live Project with the actual environment as per the SDLC Principles
In this course, you will be working on live projects and get hands-on experience of how actually working with Java programming language feels like.
Java Training Course
Java is one of the best programming languages that you should know even in this day and age. Though there are other programming languages in the market, the demand of Java Course and those who have knowledge in Java is growing up day by day. By having the best Java courses, your chances of getting selected in top IT companies will go up.
However, you have to take the certification from a reputed Java Training Institute. When you come to us, at Sri Vidya Technologies, for Java Training, you can rest assured that you will be getting selected in a big company.
What Will You Learn from Java Training?
When you go for the best Java training courses provided by Sri Vidya Technologies, you get many advantages such as:
- You will learn by working in the real time projects on Java
- Practical lessons from the leaders of this industry
- Interactive online training
- More scope of finding placement in some of the best IT companies in the country
- Attain the knowledge of how to scale interview skills for Java
- Flexible batch timings
Hence, if you are looking for the ideal Java training institute near me then join us at Sri Vidya Technologies. We have the keys to your success.
Java Certification Training
We, at Sri Vidya Technologies, understand that the reason you are interested in learning Java is, it is one such course that could land you’re a high paying job. When you get certified from us, you can rest assured that you will be getting hired by a reputed company.
We, at Sri Vidya Technologies, cater exceptional talents to the companies who are in desperate needs. We help the companies to fill the void of not having skilled Java experts.
So, if you want to fulfill your aspirations of securing a top position as a Java expert in a reputed IT company the come to us at Sri Vidya Technologies. Call us at +91 7207321110 to find out more about our Java Training Courses.
Java Training Benefits For Students
- We prepare freshers for the IT sector
- Avail a good salary in E-commerce or IT sector
- Get placed just after completing the course
- The popularity of Java course is growing as with its scope
Working Professionals
- Plenty of Job opportunities
- Your salary will get increased
- Shit from your present domain to Java
- You will have promising career options
Are You Looking for a Career in Java? Looking for a Job that will give you a good salary?
You can join us and get certified in Java and get the best placement from us. We will ensure that your dreams get fulfilled with us.
Java Trainer Profile:
Our Java Trainers:
- 10 Years of experience in Java
- Work experience in multiple real-time Java projects
- Employees in top MNCs
- Taught more than 2000 students
- Strong Knowledge of Theory & Practical
- Certified Professionals
Java Placement Training
- Taught more than 2000 students
- Placement Record of 92%
- More than a Thousand Interviews Organized
Java Training Batch Size
Regular Batch (Morning, Day time & Evening)
- Available Seats: 8 (maximum)
Weekend Training Batch (Saturday, Sunday & Holidays)
- Available Seats: 8 (maximum)
Fast Track Batch
- Available Seats: 5 (maximum)
What is the Average salary for Java Professionals?
According to Payscale, the average salary of an experienced Java professional is around 768,559 per year.
What roles are offered by companies for Java professionals?
It depends on the individual. But a student who has completed Java Training can get selected from:
- Java Developer
- Back End Applications Engineer
- Technical Manager
Which companies are hiring Java Professionals?
There are several companies that are looking to hire Java experts. Some of them are:
- Accion labs
- HyrEzy Talent Solutions
- Synechron Technologies
- CRM Consultancy
- Tech Mahindra
- And Many More!
Do I get job support at the end of this course?
Yes, we have a team of dedicated personnel who will provide you with support even after the end of the course. We will help you to:
- Build a proper resume
- Share top interview questions and answers
- Share some of the insights about the real-time projects
- Bring a better career change
Other benefits while undergoing Java Training with Sri Vidya Technologies
- Use high-speed free internet
- Increase industry exposure
- Exploration to be a master
- Power backup for classrooms
- International Certification
- Discounts on course fees
What payment modes are accepted?
We, at Sri Vidya Technologies, accept almost all major payment options such as Cash, Net Banking or Cards.